Implement Date Filter for 'Custom Period'
Bit of Fun, Tim reckons not many people want this feature, let's prove him wrong! I think it would be super helpful! If on Filters/Reports we could easily define a 'custom period' such as Last Action >= 5 Days I find with this week and last week you're always compromising some data. Cheers Connor :D
Filter on all columns on all tables
Want to send invoices that are unsent after reviewing them? Well, get prepared to tick 250 really tiny boxes and hope none of them fail to send otherwise you'll have to do it again. You should be able to filter invoices by their creation date. Likewise, you should be able to filter the sent column and enter NULL or "" or <0 to show all unsent invoices. You should also be able to filter tickets by any of their fields, such as "Time Taken" and let me put in >2 to show all tickets with more than 2 hours on them. On the client screen, I should be able to filter the next call date by entering <=today if I want everything today or earlier, etc.
Timothy H#Misc π€·12
teams copilot transcription integration
imagine that when receiving a call in Microsoft teams through teams calling, Copilot transcribed the entire conversation and put a summary of the conversation in your ticket. AI could set all ticket parameters, and you only need to check if everything's correct and press save... This would greatly improve ticket documentation and background information on issues that now gets lost in the manual process.
Marco#Servicedesk ππ½#Integrations π0
Secure Password Sending
Have a secure way of sending passwords to Customers. Via a button in Halo, where you'd type in a password, it'd generate a secure link and embed it into the body of the email - then when the user clicks on the link, they are prompted to enter the ticket number for it. Or are forced into an area of the portal to retrieve the portal. Something like the attached maybe as options
Matt D#Servicedesk ππ½20
Enhanced To-Do List
We heavily use to-do's as a way of creating checklists on common steps. However, a lot of our clients require unique custom checklists. We use IT Glue currently for this and it allows not only a to-do, but it allows that to-do to be expanded detailed steps (written in HTML). What I would like to see is the following To-dos have their own tab in tickets and not just a sidebar. To-do's can be expanded to show links or steps (See screenshot of Glue) To-dos once completed hide from the list To-do's that can be associated with a client site and be templated To-Do templates can be grouped
Glyn W#Servicedesk ππ½#Styling π¨21
Better HTML Editor
The HTML editor chosen for use across HaloPSA lacks and has a terrible time copying data from Word Docs. I would love to see an improved or replace HTML editor across HaloPSA, especially in Knowledge Base Articles.
Josiah S18
Hudu KB Integration for problem finder
Currently the problem finder (I think that's what it's called) option only seems to use tickets and KB's in Halo, it would be good if this could also query the global KB's and client KB's in Hudu
Simon W#Servicedesk ππ½#Integrations π6
A working mobile app
A full functioning mobile app that doesn't require you to go to the browser version on your phone for 90% of your needs.
Chad H32
Recurring Invoice Template
Have the ablility to create a recurring invoice template which can have all line items added but only bill/show on the invoice where they is a quantity. Also in the template have the Quantity being able to be set by Assets / Licecnce / User / Subscription The Idea behind this if we add a new product to the customer "office365 E3" Licence via Pax8 we dont need to go and add the item to the customer.
Paul#Billing π°7
Move Tickets to Unassigned if Agent is marked as On Holiday/Sick (Automatically)
At the moment even if an Agent is marked as On Holiday/Sick in Halo, if a User replies back to a ticket the ticket remains with the Agent that is on holiday meaning a lot of manual intervention is needed to check and move tickets. This feature idea is to have a setting/configuration option that would allow a ticket to move to Unassigned when a User replies back to a ticket 'On Hold' or 'In Progress' where the Agent is On Holiday/Sick. I don't think there is currently another way of achieving this (e.g. via rule) - and have checked this out.
Paul U#Servicedesk ππ½6
1-Click feedback reliability
We are seeing increasingly customer mail filters clicking on customer feedback links. This has meant the CSAT statistics are unreliable as the mail filters are clicking on all the smileys Some sort of 2nd click confirmation or disambiguation when multiple feedbacks are left in quick succession would be good
Raphael#Self-Service Portal π4
Enhancing HaloPSA Integration: Using Tenant ID for Accurate Client Mapping
When a tenant changes its organizational name, a new client is automatically created in Halo. I would like the integration between Microsoft Partner Center and HaloPSA to avoid relying solely on names for identification. Since the Tenant ID is globally unique, it would be a better primary identifier or at least a preferred secondary option.
Tor AndrΓ© S#Integrations π#CRM/Opportunity Management π€0
Additional Reporting Periods
Currently the list of selectable reporting periods covers a number of good periods but is very rigid and missing some periods that would make sense to add, such as: Last/Next X Weeks Calendar Year to Date Previous Calendar Year Additionally, when dealing with larger collections of results, the reporting interface can lag or time out. This is particularly a problem when you need more than 1 month of data but less than 3 (or similarly for the other periods available) - the only way to get a smaller period that covers the time range you need is to enter a custom date range, which isn't useful for a default value in the report. If I want a report to return the last 6 weeks of data, for example, I don't want to have a specific 6-week period saved in the report, nor do I want to have to edit the custom range each time. The ideal solution would be a dynamic interface for selecting the report period - allow selection of the period type (days, weeks, months, etc.), selection of next/last/to-date, and entry of the number to return. The end result would be a flexible system where reporters could easily select "last 3 months", "last 2 months", "to-date 1 year", "last 6 weeks", "next 12 days", and so on and so forth. Barring that, add more reporting period options to account for more time ranges.
Gabriel T#Servicedesk ππ½#Misc π€·0
Community-editable HaloPSA Documentation
The documentation for HaloPSA is nearly unanimously the biggest gripe everyone has with the product, and better documentation has been promised for ages. Let the community help take some of the burden off the Halo team. I'm thinking something that uses tech like Git to version-control, PR, and allow for an easy review process. Markdown support would help us make it readable. And something with the ability to link other pages or issues. CakePHP has some of the best documentation of any project we've ever used. I think it's autogenerated by SphinxDocs reading the Github Repo This would be a HUGE help to the platform as so many of us see things in Halo and have no idea what they do. Letting customers and fans drive documentation and having it be in a controlled environment will ensure that documentation is customer-driven, accurate, and relevant.
Arthur D#Misc π€·6
Ninja Integration Update
Would like the ability to map asset types in Ninja to asset types in Halo. For example, in Halo all our current assets and items are filtered where asset type is called workstation or server. However, Ninja brings servers across as Windows_Server. This means we have to go and update all our reports as well as all our items where the quanity is mapped to device name is server.
Glyn W#Integrations π#API π€#Asset Management π»10