Feature Ideas

Let us know what you'd like to see in a future release of HaloPSA

  1. Customize New Call Dashboard

    Hello, On the New Call screen, (wether we select a end-user or the system could match automatically a end-user), we get a Dashboard displaying some field about any ticket related to the user who called. I am trying to add some fields, specifically for opened tickets of related site or client, not only the end-user related tickets as it is proposed out of the box. Thanks

    #Servicedesk 💁🏽


  2. Better HTML Editor

    The HTML editor chosen for use across HaloPSA lacks and has a terrible time copying data from Word Docs. I would love to see an improved or replace HTML editor across HaloPSA, especially in Knowledge Base Articles.

    Josiah S


  3. Secure Password Sending

    Have a secure way of sending passwords to Customers. Via a button in Halo, where you'd type in a password, it'd generate a secure link and embed it into the body of the email - then when the user clicks on the link, they are prompted to enter the ticket number for it. Or are forced into an area of the portal to retrieve the portal. Something like the attached maybe as options

    Matt D
    #Servicedesk 💁🏽


  4. Keeper password manager integration

    It would be awesome to have integration for Keeper password manager to sync the licenses into our customers license list. This helps with the invoicing for the customer.

    #Billing 💰#Integrations 🔗#API 🤓


  5. Ability for clients to select options in quotes

    We really need clients to be able to select options in quotes. i.e if we give them the option of Laptop A and Laptop B, and additional options for 3 or 5 year warranty, we need them to be able to select the options they want before accepting the quote in the portal

    Jordan H
    #Quotes & Orders 📄


  6. 1Password intergration

    Direct password integration of passwords from 1Password to Halo PSA manage site passwords, agent passwords, and asset passwords.

    Joshua A
    #Integrations 🔗#Asset Management 💻#Knowledge Base 📖


  7. Ubiquiti Unifi Controller integration

    we use the Unifi Hardware stack for most of our networking as the controller for this is free and doesnt require a subscription. this controller uses standard Rest api to collect information. (www.ui.com) I have currently created a powershell based integration that collects all sites and hardware from the unifi controller and updates them via api in Halo. However, due to api throtteling this process is quite prone to error. It would be realy nice to have this as a proper integration. This api is Documented here: https://ubntwiki.com/products/software/unifi-controller/api

    #Integrations 🔗#API 🤓#Asset Management 💻


  8. Community-editable HaloPSA Documentation

    The documentation for HaloPSA is nearly unanimously the biggest gripe everyone has with the product, and better documentation has been promised for ages. Let the community help take some of the burden off the Halo team. I'm thinking something that uses tech like Git to version-control, PR, and allow for an easy review process. Markdown support would help us make it readable. And something with the ability to link other pages or issues. CakePHP has some of the best documentation of any project we've ever used. I think it's autogenerated by SphinxDocs reading the Github Repo This would be a HUGE help to the platform as so many of us see things in Halo and have no idea what they do. Letting customers and fans drive documentation and having it be in a controlled environment will ensure that documentation is customer-driven, accurate, and relevant.

    Arthur D
    #Misc 🤷


  9. Dashboard Only Agents

    Have the ability to create Dashboard Only Agent for Interactive Displays Similar to API Agent.

    Connor - EZPC Halo C
    #Misc 🤷


  10. Desktop Tray Icon for the Halo application

    We currently have the chat facility accessible via the Self Service portal however most of our clients do not use this as they find it easier to contact us via email. It would be a game changer if Halo could have a desktop feature where a 'Tray Icon' can be placed on the users Task bar and when expanded, quick access to a few frequent options could be accessible. For example: 'Log a ticket', 'View my tickets', Chat to an Agent', Knowledge Articles' etc. With end user experience in mind, it would be great for users to engage directly with our team rather than the tradtional email process. This would boost turnaround times as well as customer satisfaction. Attached is an example of another MSP software platform where there desktop tray icon is available.

    Natalie N
    #Servicedesk 💁🏽#Self-Service Portal 🌍


  11. automated backup method for Halo data

    I know Halo say they have various backups and DR plans in place, but it's not good practice to solely rely on any one company to protect your vital data. Please implement a bulk export or database dump feature that can be scheduled to give us access to our data, should a disaster occur.

    Jason G
    #Misc 🤷#API 🤓#Documentation Request


  12. Assign agents to Tasks/To-Do

    It would be good to assign To-Do's/Tasks to other agents from within a client support ticket. This could be ad-hoc or templated.

    Luke B
    #Servicedesk 💁🏽


  13. To be able to specify specific services, contracts or invoices to apply automatic payments such as stripe

    I want to be able to select the type of automatic payment to apply to a contract or recurring invoice or disable the automatic payments on those items. For example, domains names we want to have a credit card on file for automatic payments, however we don't want to take payments over $5k for our per-seat contracts and would prefer EFT so we are not handling so much of the credit card processing fees on larger transactions.

    Kris B


  14. Display Internal Conversations on Tickets vs. Communications to external more clearly

    Define the background color of an action, how it is displayed in the ticket so Agents can more clearly identify what is comunication with the customer and what is internal communication See crudely made screenshot for example

    Ethan J


  15. Move Tickets to Unassigned if Agent is marked as On Holiday/Sick (Automatically)

    At the moment even if an Agent is marked as On Holiday/Sick in Halo, if a User replies back to a ticket the ticket remains with the Agent that is on holiday meaning a lot of manual intervention is needed to check and move tickets. This feature idea is to have a setting/configuration option that would allow a ticket to move to Unassigned when a User replies back to a ticket 'On Hold' or 'In Progress' where the Agent is On Holiday/Sick. I don't think there is currently another way of achieving this (e.g. via rule) - and have checked this out.

    Paul U
    #Servicedesk 💁🏽
