Feature Ideas

Let us know what you'd like to see in a future release of HaloPSA

  1. N-central Integration - Create ticket Option in N-central to have engineer automatically assigned.

    Our engineers find it too time consuming to have the "Create Ticket" option under Active Issues in N-central create a ticket that go throughs the new request process. If they would like to work in an issue, it would be handy when the "Create Ticket" button is clicked it creates the ticket directly in the engineers name.

    Terry P


  2. Please make the "Audit" tab an actual audit

    Please have it log everything. For example, what rule was applied, how the ticket was routed the way it was. There is so much information missing when trying to troubleshoot things that it is maddening.

    Ryan H


  3. Implement message threading on outgoing emails

    Outgoing emails don't have required headers to allow email clients to group them by conversation, please implement this in Halo!

    Mikey O
    #Servicedesk 💁🏽#Misc 🤷


  4. Enhanced To-Do List

    We heavily use to-do's as a way of creating checklists on common steps. However, a lot of our clients require unique custom checklists. We use IT Glue currently for this and it allows not only a to-do, but it allows that to-do to be expanded detailed steps (written in HTML). What I would like to see is the following To-dos have their own tab in tickets and not just a sidebar. To-do's can be expanded to show links or steps (See screenshot of Glue) To-dos once completed hide from the list To-do's that can be associated with a client site and be templated To-Do templates can be grouped

    Glyn W
    #Servicedesk 💁🏽#Styling 🎨


  5. Notifications - Escalate via Teams Phone call or Sound

    Email alerts are noisy and out of hours they are simply not seen or when human error applies we fail. When a Notification is not attended to over a period of time, its becomes more important and the Escalation process should kick in (not by repeating the same method but rather by changing it) so we introduce two levels of Advanced Notification / Escalation System Noise Microsoft Teams phone call This way we can get the right level of attention to a situation BEFORE its too late

    Stephen Y
    #Servicedesk 💁🏽#Integrations 🔗#Improvements to the Ideas Portal


  6. Secure Password Sending

    Have a secure way of sending passwords to Customers. Via a button in Halo, where you'd type in a password, it'd generate a secure link and embed it into the body of the email - then when the user clicks on the link, they are prompted to enter the ticket number for it. Or are forced into an area of the portal to retrieve the portal. Something like the attached maybe as options

    Matt D
    #Servicedesk 💁🏽


  7. Better HTML Editor

    The HTML editor chosen for use across HaloPSA lacks and has a terrible time copying data from Word Docs. I would love to see an improved or replace HTML editor across HaloPSA, especially in Knowledge Base Articles.

    Josiah S


  8. Allow multiple statuses to mean closed

    Mark multiple statuses as closed. Like in the quote section. We use halo for 2 departements. Our end user facing customer support and our internal it department. Both departments use different names for the statuses. But now we are bound to use the same closed status because otherwise Halo won't flag those tickets with a custom closed status as closed. The end user in the ssp won't see their closed ticket under the closed ticket dropdown and when doing reporting on closed tickets these tickets are not counted.

    Mansy P
    #Servicedesk 💁🏽


  9. Desktop Tray Icon for the Halo application

    We currently have the chat facility accessible via the Self Service portal however most of our clients do not use this as they find it easier to contact us via email. It would be a game changer if Halo could have a desktop feature where a 'Tray Icon' can be placed on the users Task bar and when expanded, quick access to a few frequent options could be accessible. For example: 'Log a ticket', 'View my tickets', Chat to an Agent', Knowledge Articles' etc. With end user experience in mind, it would be great for users to engage directly with our team rather than the tradtional email process. This would boost turnaround times as well as customer satisfaction. Attached is an example of another MSP software platform where there desktop tray icon is available.

    Natalie N
    #Servicedesk 💁🏽#Self-Service Portal 🌍


  10. More info to Audit log

    We used to use Zendesk Support as our Service Desk platform. This system had a particularly good "Events" view that had a lot of information, and it was very easy to find out what had happened. For an example it showd all the fields in the Event view that were filled up in the first action (like, who was assigned to it, who was requester, what channel they used, what form they used) Image below. I hale I even have trouble to figure out how did the Project manager closed the request when request was assigned to "Unassigned" or agent was changed by the system and Audit Log did not catch it Image below Also when someone changes the to-do list, then this action is also not listed under Audit log.

    Henri N
    #Servicedesk 💁🏽#Project Management 📒


  11. Ubiquiti Unifi Controller integration

    we use the Unifi Hardware stack for most of our networking as the controller for this is free and doesnt require a subscription. this controller uses standard Rest api to collect information. (www.ui.com) I have currently created a powershell based integration that collects all sites and hardware from the unifi controller and updates them via api in Halo. However, due to api throtteling this process is quite prone to error. It would be realy nice to have this as a proper integration. This api is Documented here: https://ubntwiki.com/products/software/unifi-controller/api

    #Integrations 🔗#Asset Management 💻#API 🤓


  12. Integration with SentinelOne

    Would be extremely handy to have integration with SentinelOne Much the same way ingram works, so it can be used as a sub count against recurring invoices. Would love the ability to map manually like the Ingram connector also SentinelOne is one of the biggest security providers in the world Surely a lot of people could benefit

    Andrew H
    #Billing 💰#Integrations 🔗#Asset Management 💻


  13. Allow "Holiday" event types to sync to 365 Calendars

    It would be good if the "Holiday" event types synced to Exchange calendars with Microsoft 365. As it stands the "Appointment" event type synchronises to calendars, but holidays do not.

    Ollie T
    #Integrations 🔗


  14. Display Project Name in Projects

    Currently, you literally do NOT see the name of a project unless you open the Progress tab. Only a project number is shown in the breadcrumbs. It seems very logical to replace the project number in the breadcrumbs with the name of the project.

    Josh H
    #Project Management 📒


  15. Activities list view / Better To-Do list

    Would like to see a list of all "Activates/Appointments/Tasks" that have been created. Right now you can open up a single request and then check what kind of Activities have been created.Also right now you can only see the next activity date from the Tickets view. So improvements, then I want to see: Activities are listed in a separate view where you can filter them out. Report is not a solution, because you cannot mark them completed from a report.Activities should have Quick Button to complete themAlso, Tasks should be synced to Exchange calendar. Right now if agent only checks the Exchange calendar, then they can miss those Tasks. Example image of my idea is below. Also, an image about our current CRM is listed below of how we would like this list to look like and we see that it's easy to use. Also it could be an improvement if current To-Do list would get separate tab with more functionality: Week viewMonth viewButton to easily complete one activityCustom colours for activity statusesPossibility for a manager to check team member activities

    Henri N
    #Styling 🎨#CRM/Opportunity Management 🤑
