Feature Ideas

Let us know what you'd like to see in a future release of HaloPSA

  1. Allow multiple statuses to mean closed

    Mark multiple statuses as closed. Like in the quote section. We use halo for 2 departements. Our end user facing customer support and our internal it department. Both departments use different names for the statuses. But now we are bound to use the same closed status because otherwise Halo won't flag those tickets with a custom closed status as closed. The end user in the ssp won't see their closed ticket under the closed ticket dropdown and when doing reporting on closed tickets these tickets are not counted.

    Mansy P
    #Servicedesk ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ


  2. Single Sign On for Ideas and Support Portal

    wouldnยดt it be great, to have the same login for the https://support.haloservicedesk.com/portal/ and https://ideas.halopsa.com/ and to be able to create an Idea from a ticket, so that dev could not only read the idea, but also the support case which lead to the feature request?

    Andreas S
    #Integrations ๐Ÿ”—#Self-Service Portal ๐ŸŒ#Improvements to the Ideas Portal


  3. N-central Integration - Create ticket Option in N-central to have engineer automatically assigned.

    Our engineers find it too time consuming to have the "Create Ticket" option under Active Issues in N-central create a ticket that go throughs the new request process. If they would like to work in an issue, it would be handy when the "Create Ticket" button is clicked it creates the ticket directly in the engineers name.

    Terry P


  4. Move Tickets to Unassigned if Agent is marked as On Holiday/Sick (Automatically)

    At the moment even if an Agent is marked as On Holiday/Sick in Halo, if a User replies back to a ticket the ticket remains with the Agent that is on holiday meaning a lot of manual intervention is needed to check and move tickets. This feature idea is to have a setting/configuration option that would allow a ticket to move to Unassigned when a User replies back to a ticket 'On Hold' or 'In Progress' where the Agent is On Holiday/Sick. I don't think there is currently another way of achieving this (e.g. via rule) - and have checked this out.

    Paul U
    #Servicedesk ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ


  5. Automatically add Client logo if their website is added

    Hudu has this feature so it must be possible to achieve. If Client's website is mentioned under client, it should reach out to the website, get the logo and add it to the client in Halo.

    Sam A
    #Misc ๐Ÿคท


  6. Call Screen Modification

    Can we have the ability to modify the call screen please? There are features built in that we either aren't using or causing a few issues. For example, The users notes section for us is a hindrance, if we could disable this that would be great as we have agents inputting data as if it was the call notes on a 1080 resolution screen at 100% browser zoom call notes isnt on the screen and requires a scroll. Overview is rather large and takes up alot of screen a smaller version of this above recent activity would be better so that ticket details is front and centre. It would be EVEN better if we could edit this in the same way we edit dashboards.

    Dan H
    #Servicedesk ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ#Misc ๐Ÿคท#Styling ๐ŸŽจ


  7. A working mobile app

    A full functioning mobile app that doesn't require you to go to the browser version on your phone for 90% of your needs.

    Chad H


  8. Drop and Drop email address between To, CC and BCC

    You can't easily move around the email addresses when emailing from a ticket. It would be great if you could drag someone from CC and drop into the To section without having to search for that user and delete the other one.

    Tony P
    #Servicedesk ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ


  9. Ubiquiti Unifi Controller integration

    we use the Unifi Hardware stack for most of our networking as the controller for this is free and doesnt require a subscription. this controller uses standard Rest api to collect information. (www.ui.com) I have currently created a powershell based integration that collects all sites and hardware from the unifi controller and updates them via api in Halo. However, due to api throtteling this process is quite prone to error. It would be realy nice to have this as a proper integration. This api is Documented here: https://ubntwiki.com/products/software/unifi-controller/api

    #Integrations ๐Ÿ”—#Asset Management ๐Ÿ’ป#API ๐Ÿค“


  10. Form Wizard

    a guided wizard to be able to make forms for the user support portal (ex: onboarding a new user) via an automated wizard. the current process is quite clunky to create all the variables and steps.

    hal a
    #Servicedesk ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ#Misc ๐Ÿคท#Self-Service Portal ๐ŸŒ


  11. Proper Pax8 Integration

    Currently, the Pax8 integration is just set up with the Pax8 API and pulls down some data. There appears to be a way in Pax8 to have a full Pax8-supported integration. For example, in Pax8 they have Auto Sync with PSA support for Syncro, Autotask, Connectwise, and RepairShopr. I understand that if the Halo integration were setup this way it would allow additional data o be pulled into Halo. For example, we buy a cloud printing product called Printix through Pax8. This isn't a normal subscription that is setup under a client though. Printix shows up under our account in Pax8 and then pulls usage daily and bills the assigned customers. If you look under those customers, it does not show Printix at all. So this data does not come into Halo. I was told that if the integration was setup as an Auto Sync it wold pull this data in.

    Nick F
    #Misc ๐Ÿคท#Billing ๐Ÿ’ฐ#Integrations ๐Ÿ”—


  12. Dispatch board

    Show a dispatch board that our onsite team could use to see all tickets of a certain status and drag onto calendars to dispatch. After dragging to a calendar, the ticket should move to a new status.

    Luke P
    #Servicedesk ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ


  13. Knowledge Base restrictions

    Ability to set individual articles as "Is Internal" this means only agents within Org can see. Example if your KB structure is: Tech Library > Microsoft > Purview > Article 1, Article 2, Article 3 [Is Internal]. Customers will see Article 1 and 2 Article 3 will appear for agents only and be excluded from AI suggestions as it is internal / private config / IP.

    Jeff W
    #Knowledge Base ๐Ÿ“–


  14. User Roles - add the property 'never send emails to this user'

    pretty obvious really, we want to create classes of users, such as notification accounts various applications, that no emails should ever be sent to. you have the option 'Send new ticket Acknowledgement emails to this user', this would complete our requirement.

    Chris L
    #Servicedesk ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ


  15. Desktop Tray Icon for the Halo application

    We currently have the chat facility accessible via the Self Service portal however most of our clients do not use this as they find it easier to contact us via email. It would be a game changer if Halo could have a desktop feature where a 'Tray Icon' can be placed on the users Task bar and when expanded, quick access to a few frequent options could be accessible. For example: 'Log a ticket', 'View my tickets', Chat to an Agent', Knowledge Articles' etc. With end user experience in mind, it would be great for users to engage directly with our team rather than the tradtional email process. This would boost turnaround times as well as customer satisfaction. Attached is an example of another MSP software platform where there desktop tray icon is available.

    Natalie N
    #Servicedesk ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ#Self-Service Portal ๐ŸŒ
